Win Back Wife – Why Women Leave Men

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This is a universally difficult question to answer, there are probably aliens in space asking “why women leave men?” but the problem is here. So anyway, you just got the news that she wants to breakup and you have absolutely no idea why. I am going to help you find that reason and put a stop to it and save relationship.

To figure out why women leave men firstly you need to think about who you are, sounds a bit deep I know, and try and figure out why she liked you in the first place. This can be very hard to determine, especially if you didn’t realised you changed slightly and she didn’t like it or she might have thought that you would change after you guys started going out but then you didn’t.

If you do know what happened then great you could try calling her up now and telling her, but if not don’t fear. I’m just going to run through a few things that you may or may not know about girls, there are exceptions to most of these so it is not guaranteed.

Being clingy gets girls really annoyed, devoting your life to then constantly being with them never letting them go anywhere without you. They may seem to like the attention at the start but just let have some space, this also applies if you get quite jealous. She’s not going to sleep with the first guy she meets so relax.

You can get away with being a “bad boy” longer then being clingy but this may be a type where she thinks that the guy is going to change. After a while, just generally being mean to girls will make them want to get into a happier relationship with someone else without always having to please the guy. I am not saying you should treat girls like that but doing this is the easiest way to get a girl, but in the log run, if you don’t change, I don’t think it will work out.

To be honest there are more reasons why women leave men then there are women, but these are two of the main ones. There is also taking to much, not listening to her, constantly asking stupid questions, not getting over the past and the list goes on.

If you know the answer then you can avoid the question “why women leave men?”

To get help finding exactly what you are doing wrong and detailed accounts of how to get your girl back visit,

Good Luck


Win Back Wife – How To Do It

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To get back your wife or to even just save what is on the brink of destruction you need to have the right attitude. No crying or begging just a happy life with your loved one!

This is a difficult concept for some. Thinking that they probably won’t be able to save marriage from divorce, but that is not the win back wife attitude. If you think like that then you have an even less chance to get her back.

Now think positively! No one wants someone crying back to them, begging them to take them back. If a girl did that to you would you take her back? Well you might, but women are very different to men, if you hadn’t realized.

Crying and stuff is pretty much just showing weakness. Women don’t want a guy like that so if you’re wondering why women leave men, other then cheating and such, this will be one of the biggest reasons and it definitely won’t help save marriage.

So what you have to do is act completely opposite to what your emotions are telling you to do. Go back and think about when you first met. If you just met her you probably didn’t cry to her so she would go out with, so why do it now. Just don’t try to recreate the whole first encounter, she will see right through that, you just have to act the same way.

Now that you are in the right win back wife attitude, you can start to understand why women leave men and get your girl back. To start of you need to make sure she thinks that you are or were totally fine with the breakup and that you were actually thinking of bringing it up, but if you have already been crying then you probably shouldn’t bother with that.

Just be like another guy trying to win her over. It might take a little time to get her to even talk to you depending on the situation, but just be confident and it will turn round soon and you will be able to save relationship!

To find out what you should do step by step there is a site where a guy has decided to help as many people as he can and he actually a miracle worker. It is almost like magic. You will be able to have a deeper understanding of what went wrong and the best way to fix it for your situation. There is no relationship that can’t be solved.